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Chronic Illnesses: Opporunities Found Within the Challenges

The following is the beginning only of some things people have shared with me. It is definitely not finished and is definitely a work in progress.

Today auto-immune disease and disorders are occurring at a rapid rate! They can be very difficult to diagnose, treat and can confound the traditional medical doctor. They can be devastating and depressing to the person who has an autoimmune issue. To name a few: lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Grave's disease and M.S. The trouble is that there are so many of them that the funding cannot be easily distributed for tests and studies.

There may be some previous virus infections like mononucleosis and Lyme's disease, which may have a big impact on our health.

"Not everything, helps everybody, all the time."

There is a vast amount of information on the internet. And there are a lot of claims being made which may be false and spurious. Take your time getting informed. Blogs are great places for information, but can also be overwhelming and, unfortunately, depressing when someone is venting their feelings about the challenge they are in the middle of. Pray for them and keep moving along in your research for you.

Some key things to think of are: try to consider multiple approaches in your care. What you eat (and, sometimes even more importantly, what you do not eat) and the quality of what you are eating can have a big impact on your health and sense of well-being.

Acupuncture is something to consider adding to the approaches you take.

Can you do a little body movement and activity? Even a few steps a day can help.

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